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Healthy Living Journey





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



聯絡地址:340 Main Street Suite 9000 Worcester, MA 01608

Healthy Living Journey(圖1)-速報App

Healthy Living Journey was created in 2009 by Demeka Scott. "After my only sister passed away from cancer, I wanted to know more about this dis-ease and how it affect your body. After doing a lot of research I found out that chemicals and synthetic products play a huge role in how this dis-ease affects your body. I also realized that these harmful products ruled my home. Through trial and error I began to create wonderful safe products, I also switched my diet and started eating "healthier".

So you can imagine the look on my face when I started breaking out with eczema! I was doing everything by the books...at least that's what I thought. I soon learned I was not feeding my mind nutritious foods. A toxic mind produces a toxic body! After learning how to forgive, mediate, saying positive affirmations, learning how to clear my chakras, and getting more in-tune with Mother Nature was when I saw a real change (eczema vanished, weight was no longer a problem, money flow increased...)."

Healthy Living Journey(圖2)-速報App

Now as a reborn woman I have the knowledge and tools to teach you how to have a Healthy Living Journey!

Education & Training

Demeka Scott is a Certified Nutritional Consultant; She earned her certification from International Institute of Holistic Healing. Additionally, she successfully completed a course from International Institute of Holistic Healing in Herbology. Demeka has taken several online classes and studied extensively on emotional healing, crystal therapy, mediation, chakra balancing, and aromatherapy. She is the creator of Jamion Premium Skin Care; this skin care is handcrafted only using nature finest natural and organic ingredients.

Demeka is the founder of Healthy Living Journey, this company started with its mission being to help serve people who want to live healthier through proper nutrition and giving them the tools to do it. She is also the co-owner of Natural Essentials, a natural holistic shop that offers people a place to shop for natural and organic herbs, skin care, crystals, and they offer, specialty sessions such as vaginal steaming, womb wraps, castor oil wraps, mediation sessions and more.